Rating: | ★★★★★ |
Category: | Computers & Electronics |
Product Type: | Other |
Manufacturer: | The Egyptian Center for CULTNAT |
Tgl. 16 Oktober lalu, sempat mampir ke Culturama, yang lagi "mampir" di kampusku sampai 24 Oktober nanti. Setelah sering nonton film dengan suara yang surround, baru kali ini nonton gambar yang surround:D. Teknologi 9 layar interaktif ini memang keren banget, dan sukses menyajikan sejarah Mesir sejak jaman piramid sampai sekarang. Walhasil, tontonan 30 menit ini berasa singkat banget, saking enjoy-nya kita "dibawa" ke Mesir;D.
Kubilang dibawa, karena saat ke-9 layar ini menampilkan Piramid dan sekitarnya, kita serasa berada di dalamnya. Terus saat layar menampilkan Masjid Amr ibn Al Ash, tampilan para layar yang melingkungi penonton tersebut benar2 membuat gambar 2 dimensi itu serasa 3 dimensi, dan menempatkan kita di dalam masjid itu.
Kelemahannya cuman satu, sang presenter, menjelaskan semuanya in Jepun, not in English:(.
Tapi secara keseluruhan, aku salut banget dengan Dep. Kominfo-nya Mesir, yang benar2 menggarap paket pengenalan pariwisatanya seserius ini. Tidak hanya teknologi 9 layar interaktif yang baru saja dipatenkan, tapi juga brosur2 yang disediakan di ruangan ini bener2 digarap dengan serius dengan tampilan dan kualitas kertas yang elegan, yang dibagikan secara gratis pula!
Kalau teknologi ini dipake buat presentasi sidang, wah...keren banget kayaknya...cuman modal satu mouse dan PC doang:D *ngayal dot com:P* Oya, review-nya bisa dibaca juga di bawah ini. Duh...jadi tambah pengen ke Mesir, niiiiih..:).
Friday, Oct. 17, 2008
Tech like an Egyptian
Staff Writer
Egypt may be known for its history, but this week in Tokyo some of its most advanced cultural technology will be on display. The Egyptian Center for Documentation of Cultural and Natural Heritage is touring Japan with CULTURAMA, a semi- circular set of screens displaying the interiors of ancient tombs, the history of the pharaohs, and panoramic scenes of Cairo from the Nile, Alexandria and more.
A computer projects interactive footage across a 10-meter-diameter set of nine screens, allowing the presenter to show more information about — for example — Thotmosis III, who built the botanical garden in the Karnak Temple. With one mouse click, the garden is revealed, with its walls on which the pharaoh documented the wildlife known in Egypt in his time. Another click shows modern photos and the scientific background of the animals and plants. Think of it as the Internet made big. Stunning views combine with an "edutainment" agenda that will satisfy the curiosity of anyone interested in the land of the pyramids. CULTURAMA programs feature ancient Egyptian history, a tour of modern Egypt, a virtual visit to Luxor, and Islamic and Coptic architectural history.
If you can't go to Egypt in person, head to the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) in Roppongi, where CULTURAMA is open to the public from Oct. 16-24.
CULTURAMA shows run for 45 minutes from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. on the hour at GRIPS, 7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato Ward, Tokyo. For more information, call (03) 6439-6000.
The Japan Times Online )
News photo
Wide-screen: A 10-meter-wide panoramic display reveals some of Egypt's most advanced cultural technology at CULTURAMA from Oct. 16-24.