Monday, April 28, 2008

Finally … You Next!

(After dinner in Indian halal restaurant, Roppongi, 14 April 2008)

- 14.59 JST -

She called me. Finally, after some delays, she will leave for Europe at the end of this month, pursuing her new live there. She is one of my first best friends in Japan. We met in the same day of my arrivals in Saitama, and become best friends since then.

Actually, I was hoping that we can meet this evening, after the seminar in my campus. Unfortunately, she still has so many things to do, in addition to disconnecting her cell phone tomorrow, which leave us to today's call only, before her departure in a couple of days. Finally, I could only wish you a bright future under His blessings, Sister, always. May we meet again, somewhere, sometime, somehow… Insya Allah.

(Ternyata bener ya, ditinggalin itu lebih berat daripada ninggalin…)

- 16.40 JST -

Finally, after 7 months of our first meeting in Narita airport, today I sit together with all of my Indonesian colleagues (around 40 of them), other GRIPS' students, lecturers, and staff; in the same room, listening to the same lecturer: The GRIPS’ President. I really enjoyed this gathering, wishing that we could do this more often, but different study rooms (masters students in 5th floor, doctoral students in 6th floor), different dormitories (I always lived in private apartment, because dormitories in my campus are prioritized for master students, since they only stay for one year), and different time schedules (they have many classes, while I seldom come to campus for consulting my thesis to my advisers), have concussively made our-never-meet situation.

However, thanks to the globalization, we still keep in touch via e-mail and phone. That is why, I am not that totally stranger to them, thanks God.


(Filipino, Latvian, Indonesian, after the reunion)

- 16.30 JST -

Finally, after waiting for an hour, my last big brother (terjemahan bebas dari kakak terakhir seperguruan;D) came at me. “Fithri, I did it,” he said with a sore voice, half enthusiastic, half sleepy. I almost jumped from my chair to hear that, and congratulate him. Finally, after long sleepless nights, never ending writings, model running that seems forever, and series of presentations, seminar, or conferences (the hyperbole is in the air, of course…), he finished his PhD!

I was very happy for him, then after we talked about his revisions and planning for the next few months, he stood up and said,” Finally, I can get a long sleep tonight…and Fithri…you next!” Then he left the room after offering to help me with the English checking (he is a Filipino and very fluent in English).

And then, I realized. Yup, this is the time. My adviser always said that he must finish first, before me (because he entered 2 years before me).

Finally, I have to be prepared for everything… There is only two months to go, so many things to be done, and the seminar is only one week away!

Finally… Bismillah… just do the best and pray for His guidance and protection…because panicking won’t solve anything….


Nishi Chiba, 28 April 2008 (22.52 JST)

Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, enjoy all the way…

Critanya lagi pengen nge-retrieve my english, yang semakin lama kok semakin acak adul...

Monday, April 21, 2008

Low Blood Pressure (LBP): Causes, Remedies, Diet, and Treatment

LBP, alias tekanan darah rendah, adalah salah satu "teman seperjalananku" dari dulu hingga kini. Berhubung ada beberapa teman yang ternyata juga sedang mengalami hal ini, jadinya penasaran juga buat nyari penyebab dan cara penanggulangannya. Akhirnya nemu di sini, langsung disimpen aja, buat referensi lain kali, kalau daku kambuh lagi (semoga nggak, deh), hehehe.


Low blood pressure causes

Faulty nutrition, Malnutrition

The most important cause of low blood pressure is faulty nutrition. It makes the tissues forming the walls of the blood vessels over-relaxed, and flabby or streched. This results in less supply of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues. Malnutrition can result from a diet deficient in calories, proteins, vitamin C, or almost any one of the B vitamins.

Loss of blood, slow internal bleeding

Sometimes the blood pressure falls rapidly because of loss of blood. Low blood pressure may also develop gradually because of slow bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, or bladder.

Emotional instability

Emotional problems are a far more frequent cause of low blood pressure. To a lesser degree, prolonged disappointment and frustration may result in a subnormal blood pressure.

Low blood pressure home remedies

Low Blood Pressure treatment using Beetroot

The juice of raw beetroot is one of the most effective home remedies for low blood pressure. The patient should drink a cup of this juice twice daily for treating this condition Considerable improvement will be noticeable within a week.

Low Blood Pressure treatment using Indian Spikenard

The herb Indian spikenard is another effective home remedy for low blood pressure. It should be taken in doses of thirty to forty grains with a pinch of a little camphor and cinnamon (dalchini). An infusion can also be prepared by steeping 15 to 20 gm of the herb in 250 ml of boiling water, and taking it thrice a day.

Low Blood Pressure treatment using Epsom Salts Bath

Hot Epsom salt bath are one of the simplest remedy for low blood pressure. An Epsom salt bath is prepared by dissolving one to one and half kg of commercial Epsom Salt in an ordinary bath of hot water. The patient should remain immersed in the bath for ten to twenty minutes. This bath should be taken just before retiring to bed, and care should be exercised not to catch a chill afterwards.

Low Blood Pressure treatment using Nutrients

Protein, vitamin C, and all vitamins of the B group have been found beneficial in the prevention and treatment of low blood pressure. Of these, pantothenic acid is of particular importance. Liberal use of this vitamin alone often helps in raising the blood pressure. A diet which contains adequate quantities of complete proteins, B vitamin and, particularly, the nutrients that stimulate adrenal production, quickly normalizes low blood pressure.

Low Blood Pressure treatment using Salt

The use of salt is valuable in low blood pressure. Until the blood pressure reaches normal levels through proper dietary and other remedies, it is essential that the patient should take salty foods and half a teaspoon of salt in water daily.

Low blood pressure diet

Exclusive fruit diet

The treatment for low blood pressure should aim at rejuvenation of the whole system. To begin with, the patient should adopt an exclusive fresh fruit diet for about five days, taking three meals a day of fresh fruity fruits at five-hourly intervals.

Milk and fruit diet

Thereafter he may adopt a fruit and milk diet for two or three weeks. After the fruit and milk diet the patient may gradually embark upon a well balanced diets consisting of seeds nuts and grains with emphasis on fresh fruit and raw vegetables. Further period of all fruit diet followed by a milk and fruit diet may be necessary every two or three months in some cases, depending on the progress being made.

Other Low blood pressure treatment

Warm-Water enema treatment

A warm-water enema should be used daily to cleanse the bowels during the first few days of the treatment, and afterwards, if necessary. Those who are habitually constipated should take all the possible steps for its eradication. Daily dry friction and sponging should be undertaken by those suffering from low blood pressure.

Light walking, cycling, swimming and Breathing exercises

They should undertake breathing and other light exercises like walking , swimming and cycling. The patient should take sun and air baths and spend as much time as possible in the fresh air.

Avoid excessive work, anxiety

All living habits which tend to enervate the system, such as overwork, excesses of all kinds, needless worry, and negative thinking must be eliminated as far as possible.


(Dari sini dan sini)

Nishi Chiba, 21 April 2008 (17.43 JST)

Low Blood Pressure (LBP): Causes, Remedies, Diet, and Treatment

LBP, alias tekanan darah rendah, adalah salah satu "teman seperjalananku" dari dulu hingga kini. Berhubung ada beberapa teman yang ternyata juga sedang mengalami hal ini, jadinya penasaran juga buat nyari penyebab dan cara penanggulangannya. Akhirnya nemu di sini, langsung disimpen aja, buat referensi lain kali, kalau daku kambuh lagi (semoga nggak, deh), hehehe.


Low blood pressure causes

Faulty nutrition, Malnutrition

The most important cause of low blood pressure is faulty nutrition. It makes the tissues forming the walls of the blood vessels over-relaxed, and flabby or streched. This results in less supply of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues. Malnutrition can result from a diet deficient in calories, proteins, vitamin C, or almost any one of the B vitamins.

Loss of blood, slow internal bleeding

Sometimes the blood pressure falls rapidly because of loss of blood. Low blood pressure may also develop gradually because of slow bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, or bladder.

Emotional instability

Emotional problems are a far more frequent cause of low blood pressure. To a lesser degree, prolonged disappointment and frustration may result in a subnormal blood pressure.

Low blood pressure home remedies

Low Blood Pressure treatment using Beetroot

The juice of raw beetroot is one of the most effective home remedies for low blood pressure. The patient should drink a cup of this juice twice daily for treating this condition Considerable improvement will be noticeable within a week.

Low Blood Pressure treatment using Indian Spikenard

The herb Indian spikenard is another effective home remedy for low blood pressure. It should be taken in doses of thirty to forty grains with a pinch of a little camphor and cinnamon (dalchini). An infusion can also be prepared by steeping 15 to 20 gm of the herb in 250 ml of boiling water, and taking it thrice a day.

Low Blood Pressure treatment using Epsom Salts Bath

Hot Epsom salt bath are one of the simplest remedy for low blood pressure. An Epsom salt bath is prepared by dissolving one to one and half kg of commercial Epsom Salt in an ordinary bath of hot water. The patient should remain immersed in the bath for ten to twenty minutes. This bath should be taken just before retiring to bed, and care should be exercised not to catch a chill afterwards.

Low Blood Pressure treatment using Nutrients

Protein, vitamin C, and all vitamins of the B group have been found beneficial in the prevention and treatment of low blood pressure. Of these, pantothenic acid is of particular importance. Liberal use of this vitamin alone often helps in raising the blood pressure. A diet which contains adequate quantities of complete proteins, B vitamin and, particularly, the nutrients that stimulate adrenal production, quickly normalizes low blood pressure.

Low Blood Pressure treatment using Salt

The use of salt is valuable in low blood pressure. Until the blood pressure reaches normal levels through proper dietary and other remedies, it is essential that the patient should take salty foods and half a teaspoon of salt in water daily.

Low blood pressure diet

Exclusive fruit diet

The treatment for low blood pressure should aim at rejuvenation of the whole system. To begin with, the patient should adopt an exclusive fresh fruit diet for about five days, taking three meals a day of fresh fruity fruits at five-hourly intervals.

Milk and fruit diet

Thereafter he may adopt a fruit and milk diet for two or three weeks. After the fruit and milk diet the patient may gradually embark upon a well balanced diets consisting of seeds nuts and grains with emphasis on fresh fruit and raw vegetables. Further period of all fruit diet followed by a milk and fruit diet may be necessary every two or three months in some cases, depending on the progress being made.

Other Low blood pressure treatment

Warm-Water enema treatment

A warm-water enema should be used daily to cleanse the bowels during the first few days of the treatment, and afterwards, if necessary. Those who are habitually constipated should take all the possible steps for its eradication. Daily dry friction and sponging should be undertaken by those suffering from low blood pressure.

Light walking, cycling, swimming and Breathing exercises

They should undertake breathing and other light exercises like walking , swimming and cycling. The patient should take sun and air baths and spend as much time as possible in the fresh air.

Avoid excessive work, anxiety

All living habits which tend to enervate the system, such as overwork, excesses of all kinds, needless worry, and negative thinking must be eliminated as far as possible.


(Dari sini dan sini)

Nishi Chiba, 21 April 2008 (17.43 JST)

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Pilihan Kehidupan

Bahwa waktu terus berjalan

tanpa dapat diputarbalik atau dihentikan,

itu adalah sebuah kepastian.


Bahwa nafas akan selalu terhembuskan

selama hayat masih dikandung badan,

itu pun sebuah keniscayaan.


Bahwa hidup akan dipenuhi oleh perkataan dan perbuatan

yang akan ditutup dengan saldo amal atau kebatilan,

itulah pilihan yang harus dihadapi setiap insan.


 Semoga kita tidak termasuk ke dalam kaum yang merugi ….



(Dari sini)

Nishi Chiba, 13 April 2008 (00.01 JST)

 * Yang masih harus banyak belajar untuk memanfaatkan waktu... *

 Teriring sembah sujud  penuh syukur kepada Al-Wakiil, atas segala nikmat dan karunia-Nya; salam takzim dan terima kasih tak terhingga bagi Abi dan Ummi atas segala cinta, dukungan, dan bimbingannya; dan bagi seluruh keluarga, sahabat, teman, dan kerabat tercinta, yang telah menemani dan membuat hidupku penuh warna hingga kini… Jazakumullah khairan katsiran